Cadastral-Topographic Plan Services
Our cadastral-topographic plan services involve the creation of comprehensive geodetic documents that merge cadastral data with topographic information, providing detailed representations of specific areas. These plans, typically presented in map form, meticulously outline parcel boundaries, buildings, roads, rivers, forests, and other pertinent features.
Data Collection Methods: We employ various data collection methods tailored to the specific characteristics of the terrain and project requirements:
1. Field Surveying: Our experienced surveying team utilizes total stations and GPS to conduct physical inspections of the terrain, accurately measuring parcel boundaries, determining elevation differences, and gathering relevant information.
2. Aerial Photogrammetry: High-quality aerial photographs captured using aircraft or drones serve as the basis for generating three-dimensional terrain models and creating topographic maps using advanced photogrammetric software.
3. LIDAR Technology: Utilizing terrestrial, aerial, or mobile LiDAR scanning, we employ laser technology to precisely measure distances to the terrain surface, facilitating the creation of detailed digital terrain models.
4. Satellite Imaging: High-resolution satellite imagery combined with GPS data allows us to collect terrain data, delineate parcel boundaries, and geoposition ground features with accuracy.
Our Approach:
· Expertise: Our team possesses extensive expertise in cadastral and topographic surveying, ensuring the delivery of high-quality cadastral-topographic plans.
· Experience: With years of experience in geodetic surveying, we navigate complex terrains and project requirements with ease.
· Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of meeting project deadlines and strive to deliver cadastral-topographic plans promptly and efficiently.
· Tailored Solutions: We customize our approach to each project, considering specific requirements, goals, and available resources to provide optimal outcomes.
Contact Us: Reach out to us today to discuss how our expertise, experience, and commitment to timely delivery can support your cadastral-topographic plan needs and contribute to the success of your projects.